Multiple Meals Prep in 30 mins | Chefs At Heart

Easy, Quick to Prep | And full of flavour

Good quality home made food is a necessity in our family. Being full time employees with a toddler is demanding. But every problem has a solution they say. And for this what we do is to try to optimise the way we cook for at least 3-4 days in the week. And that is by devoting a day that we prepare 3-4 different types of meals in one go.

So what i try to do is to use similar ingredients but make different versions of dishes for more excitement and variation.

The main players of these batch are

  • Chicken
  • Feta/Halloumi
  • Pepper
  • Mushrooms

These dishes can be made in advance and in parallel to other dishes as part of your Sunday cooking prep, on their own & can also be prepared and stored uncooked into your freezer. For the latter, can get double the quantity needed, prep it, cook half and store some in the freezer.

Qualifies | For

Premade Meal: can be made in batches & stored (un)cooked in the freezer

Baby/Toddler friendly meal

Less than 500 calories meal depending on the portion

Less than 15 means prep meal

Requires about 60 mins baking in the oven

Recipe | In Brief

Please see the recipes in the instagram posts below.

Instagram | Multimeals Prep Post

Instagram | Recipe Post