Milk Free, Sugar Free & Guilt Free Ice Cream | Chefs At Heart

In love with | non conventional ice creams

What happened here, is that i ended up having too many bananas 🍌 into my fridge – yes do store them in the fridge! So i decided to take action and
⭐️cut some in pieces & store them in the freezer for potential smoothies
⭐️while using some others for a yummy smoothie/ice cream

Try this version of ice cream that is creamy, dense, flavoursome and really easy to make. Its Milk Free, Sugar Free & Gluten Free!

The main players of this recipe are

  • Bananas
  • Strawberries
  • Dates

Its one of the easiest and less time consuming desserts to make.

Qualifies | For

Baby/Toddler friendly meal

Less than 200 calories depending on the portion, I prefer having smaller pieces of about 100 calories each by using Faye’s weaning pots

Less than 15 mins prep

About 90+ mins refrigerating before serving or can be served as a smoothie

Recipe | In Brief

Please see the recipe in the instagram post below.

Instagram | Post