Multiple Meals Prep in 30 mins | Chefs At Heart

When meal prep is not that demanding time wise…

We are working parents working in the demanding corporate world in a far away country…

Eating healthily and home cooked meals, is one of our most valued rituals. Some people think that is not possible to always achieve that and comfort food always bares the labels of unhealthy fast food. Please allow me to disagree with that and because an ounce of action weights more than a tone of theory, i am giving you this example to illustrate this.

In this example I have spent less than 30 mins to prepare more than 15 meals. These are then baked in the oven for the listed times. And we ensure that we had beautiful yummy food waiting for us in our fridge.

Hope you will find it inspiring and embrace practises like this in your daily cooking. Who said that we have to be cooking every day? We can cook every other day or a touch more …