Elegant & Classic Marshmallow Frosting | Chefs At Heart

Maybe | one of the yummiest, quickest & cheapest frostings to make

Alexa, my lovely neighbour and virtual friend so far – we met during COVID, was the reason that we have found our flat. So I promised to make her a cake for her birthday as a way for expressing my gratitude to her for doing so. 🎂

The time has come. Hope you will like it Alexa!😀 🙏🎈🎂⭐️

This is one of my favourite frostings to use when baking. Its yummy, quick to make – can make it in about 10 mins – and also much cheaper than the butter cream based frostings.

Its flavour and its fluffiness resembles the ice cream of the ice cream truck. ♥

Try this version of Baked Chicken is creamy, aromatic, flavoursome and really easy to make.

The main players of this recipe are

  • Marshmallow frosting
  • Warm water
  • Vanilla

Qualifies | For

Premade Meal: can be bought in powder form – used Nicoletta

Baby/Toddler friendly meal

Less than 15 mins prep meal

Less than 15 mins application, if experienced with piping techniques & design is known

Recipe | In Brief

For this I used 2 packages of Nicoletta mashmallow frosting, 100 ml x2 of warm water, a splash of vanilla essence, some golden dust and a mixer for 10 minutes.

Then add it into 2 seperate baking bags:

⭐️one with a #32 Wilton Tip

⭐️one with a #2M Wilton Tip

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