Cost Analysis And Its Relation To The Frequency & Healthiness Of A Homemade Meal | Chefs At Heart

Simplicity | Is the ultimate sophistication

My analysis & thoughts 💭🧐 on typical food items that we make at home & how are these are related cost, prep time & health wise.
In short, the HOMEMADE items that are
⭐️less expensive
⭐️& less time consuming,
are more inclined
⭐️to be healthy
⭐️& should be consumed more frequently
⭐️to save time, money
⭐️& ensure a practical & healthy nutritional lifestyle.
The above statement is NOT APPLICABLE to ready made / take away food items. That relationship is rather the opposite ie more expensive take away 🥡 is usually healthier & produced with better quality ingredients.
For example simple & quick HOMEMADE dishes, are more inclined to be cheaper & take less than 15 mins to make.
⭐️ Spinach & Feta Salad 🥗
| Costs ~2 USD & takes 15 mins prep <
⭐️ Rye Bread 🥖 & Toppings
| Costs ~3 USD & takes 15 mins prep <
⭐️ Plant based Cream Pasta 🍝
| Costs ~5 USD & takes 15 mins prep <
Whereas the most expensive & time consuming items in our cuisine are normally the cakes.
🎂 Hummingbird Cake
| Costs ~43 USD & takes > 90 mins prep
🍪 Tahini & Nutella Cookies
| Cost ~13 USD & takes > 90 mins prep
💡Choosing HOMEMADE meals that are
⭐️ quick ie less than 15 mins prep
⭐️ cheaper ie less than $10 per meal
You are more likely to be choosing to be living a practical & healthy nutritional lifestyle.
Choose healthy, it’s one of the most important & long term investments in our lives. 🙏

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