Tag: Phyllo pastry

prep around 15 min, prep around 60 min, baby | toddler friendly, other desserts, Recipes&More

Baklava Cornets with Vanilla Custard (Trigona) conversion | Chefs At Heart

When tradition | evolves to sth even better This is what happens when you are out of cornets to fill in. Result —> so in love ❤️..A millefeuille type of dessert with.⭐️ layers of crispy & caramelly phyllo pastry.⭐️ vanilla custard infused with mastic & lemon 🍋.⭐️ fresh British Strawberries 🇬🇧🍓♥️ *.⭐️ dusted with some […]

dairy free, pre made freezer meal, baby | toddler friendly, other desserts, cheat meals, Special Feature, Recipes&More, prep around 15 min, prep around 30 min, vegetarian, vegan

Strudel With Apples 🍎 & Pistachios | Chefs At Heart

Simplicity | is the ultimate sophistication ⭐️ One of the easiest to be made and less sugary desserts. ⭐️A modification of the classic traditional Czech recipe used to be made by Soteris’s lovely grandpa ❤️, which although a mechanical engineer, was also the chef in the household. Try this version of Apple & Pear Strudel […]

Recipes&More, vegetarian, prep around 90+ min, baby | toddler friendly, other desserts

Baklavas With Custard | Chefs At Heart

Intro | Description It looks like an ice cream but it tastes even better. Try this version of Baklava (Τρίγωνα Πανοράματος) which is creamy, lemony & nutty and not that hard to make. The main players of these recipe are Vanilla Mastiha Lemon Butter Pistachio As a process, is not too demanding but it will feel […]