low carbs low sugar | keto

high protein, Cooking, low calories or lower calories, lunch, pre made freezer meal, dinner, baby | toddler friendly, prep around 15 min, cheat meals, vegetarian, Recipes&More, vegan, dairy free, low carbs low sugar | keto, gluten free, prep around 60 min

One Pot Baked Lentils | Chefs At Heart

A pot full of | aromas & flavours We are working parents working in the demanding corporate world in a far away country… One of the best ways to save time is to embrace cooking in the oven. Why? Because you just need to put everything into a pot or tray and then after an […]

low carbs low sugar | keto, gluten free, snack, high protein, low calories or lower calories, baby | toddler friendly, Cooking, cheat meals, lunch, dinner, salad, prep around 15 min, vegetarian

Quick & Healthy Meal Idea | Chefs At Heart

Qualifies | For Recipe | In Brief Please see the recipe in the instagram post below. Instagram | Post

salad, prep around 15 min, vegetarian, Recipes&More, low carbs low sugar | keto, gluten free, high protein, low calories or lower calories, baby | toddler friendly

Greeklish Salad 🥗 | Chefs At Heart

Recipe Nutrition Facts | Per Serving

Recipes&More, Cooking, breakfast, lunch, dinner, prep around 15 min, vegetarian, low carbs low sugar | keto, high protein, low calories or lower calories

Rye Bread & Toppings | Chefs At Heart

MS’s “little black dress”… This rye bread with toppings is yummy, quick, cheap, low in calories, rich in fibers and can be eaten as a breakfast, as a lunch or as a dinner…  Is this the perfect dish? It definitely qualifies for that! Rye bread and toppings is officially the equivalent of Coco’s “little black […]

Special Feature, Cooking, prep around 60 min, lunch, high protein, dinner, low calories or lower calories, prep around 15 min, pre made freezer meal, prep around 30 min, dairy free, baby | toddler friendly, low carbs low sugar | keto, gluten free, Recipes&More

Turkey Meat Balls & Baked Brown Rice | Chefs At Heart

Simplicity | Is the ultimate sophistication Try this version of Turkey Meat Balls that is creamy, aromatic, flavoursome and really easy to make. The main players of this recipe are Turkey mince meat Mushrooms Corns Cream Green Olives Qualifies | For Recipe | In Brief Please see the recipe in the instagram post below.

dairy free, sugar free, low carbs low sugar | keto, gluten free, baby | toddler friendly, other desserts, Special Feature, cheat meals, breakfast, prep around 30 min, Recipes&More, vegetarian

Banana 🍌 Pancakes 🥞 with Oats & Almond Flour | Chefs At Heart

One of the yummiest quilt free version of pancakes to make… We are quite experimental in our kitchen. We have been cooking and baking for many years and we are at the stage that we are very comfortable in doing our own things, using the ingredients that we have in hand. I generally tend to […]

Special Feature, high protein, Cooking, low calories or lower calories, breakfast, cheat meals, lunch, dinner, prep around 15 min, Recipes&More, vegetarian, dairy free, low carbs low sugar | keto

Rye Bread & Toppings | Chefs At Heart

MS’s | “little black dress” Try this Rye Bread & Toppings that is yummy, quick, cheap, low in calories, rich in fibbers and can be eaten as a breakfast, as a lunch or as a dinner. Is this the perfect dish? It definitely qualifies for that! Rye bread and toppings is officially the equivalent of […]

Special Feature, high protein, Cooking, baby | toddler friendly, breakfast, prep around 15 min, vegetarian, vegan, dairy free, sugar free, Recipes&More, low carbs low sugar | keto, gluten free, snack

Breakfast Oats with Plant Based Yogurt & Fruits | Chefs At Heart

Simplicity | marked with creaminess & healthiness This is one of my standard weekdays breakfast btw. I try to be more creative and different at the weekends. Yes, I said weekday! The weekend is on Friday and Saturday here in the Middle East! Try this version of Breakfast Oats with Plant Based Yogurt & Fruits […]

vegetarian, low carbs low sugar | keto, high protein, Special Feature, baby | toddler friendly, Cooking, lunch, Recipes&More, dinner, Multiple Meals Preparation In 1 Go

Family Meal in 15 min | Chefs At Heart

Stomach Fillers | for all in about 15 mins How? By doing the below Rye Open Sandwiches – search for rye on to retrieve different variations of these Pasta with basil pesto, cheddar cheese, lemon & nuts

low calories or lower calories, Special Feature, breakfast, cheat meals, prep around 15 min, vegetarian, Recipes&More, dairy free, sugar free, low carbs low sugar | keto, gluten free, snack, high protein

Typical Weekday Breakfast | Chefs At Heart

Always look at the bright side of life.. My breakfast today – #keepsmiling# keepsmilinandcarryon #alwayslookatthebrightsideoflife ⭐️ a banana🍌 ⭐️ 2 baked eggs 🥚 – cheat= I bake a dozen at the beginning of the week so i always have some waiting for me… ⭐️ 4 dates – my favourite are Khalas Dates from Kibsons ⭐️ an […]