low carbs low sugar | keto

cheat meals, dinner, prep around 15 min, low carbs low sugar | keto, prep around 60 min, Recipes&More, high protein, pre made freezer meal, Cooking, baby | toddler friendly, lunch

Baked Mediterranean Chicken With Feta | Chefs At Heart

Easy | And full of flavour Try this version of baked chicken that is flavoursome and really easy to make. The main players of these recipe are Chicken Feta Cream Corn Pepper Can be made in advance and in parallel to other dishes as part of your Sunday cooking prep. Qualifies | For Recipe | In Brief […]

lunch, dinner, prep around 15 min, low carbs low sugar | keto, Recipes&More, prep around 60 min, high protein, low calories or lower calories, pre made freezer meal, cheat meals

Baked Mediterranean Flavours Chicken with Feta & Capers | Chefs At Heart

Easy | And full of flavour Try this version of baked Mediterranean Chicken with Feta & Pickled Capers that is flavoursome and really easy to make. The main players of these recipe are Chicken Olive paste Sundried tomatoes Greek Feta Pickled capers Chilly flakes Can be made in advance and in parallel to other dishes as part of […]

lunch, dinner, prep around 15 min, low carbs low sugar | keto, Recipes&More, prep around 60 min, high protein, low calories or lower calories, pre made freezer meal, baby | toddler friendly

Baked Chicken with Yogurt, Mustard & Honey | Chefs At Heart

Easy | And full of flavour Try this version of baked chicken that is flavoursome and really easy to make. The main players of these recipe are Chicken Greek Yogurt Mustard Honey Lime Leaves Aniseed Chilly Flakes Can be made in advance and in parallel to other dishes as part of your Sunday cooking prep. Qualifies | For […]

cheat meals, sugar free, low carbs low sugar | keto, gluten free, Recipes&More, high protein, baby | toddler friendly, other desserts, breakfast, prep around 30 min

Spiced Apple 🍎 & Raisins Pancakes | Chefs At Heart

Intro | Description Try this version of pancakes that is fruity, nutty, flavoursome and really easy to make. The main players of these recipe are Apple Greek Yogurt Roasted flaxseeds Raisins Cinnamon For ease & standardisation/homogenous outcome, I use my Tefal Multiplate pancake maker. Qualifies | For Recipe | In Brief Please see the recipes in the […]

baby | toddler friendly, Cooking, cheat meals, lunch, dinner, Recipes&More, prep around 15 min, low carbs low sugar | keto, gluten free, prep around 60 min, high protein, pre made freezer meal

Baked Mediterranean Chicken With Halloumi | Chefs At Heart

Easy | And full of flavour Try this version of baked chicken that is flavoursome and really easy to make. The main players of these recipe are Chicken Sundried tomatoes Halloumi Pepper White Wine Can be made in advance and in parallel to other dishes as part of your Sunday cooking prep. Qualifies | For Recipe | […]

baby | toddler friendly, lunch, cheat meals, dinner, prep around 15 min, dairy free, low carbs low sugar | keto, Recipes&More, high protein, pre made freezer meal

Turkey Meatball Soup | Γιουβαρλακια By Maria | Chefs At Heart

An all time classic dish | with an oriental twist One of the all time classic Mediterranean recipes that got tweaked a bit and turned oriental, and tastes even better. The main players of this recipe are Minced Turkey Lime Leaves Dry White Wine Red Chilly Ginger Celery Qualifies | For Technical Details | Please […]

lunch, dinner, prep around 15 min, vegetarian, low carbs low sugar | keto, gluten free, high protein, low calories or lower calories, Cooking, baby | toddler friendly, breakfast

Yummy Omelette | Chefs At Heart

When Tradition evolves into something even better… This dish is yummy, quick, cheap, low in calories, rich in fibers and can be eaten as a breakfast, as a lunch or as a dinner…  If you are a Cypriot, it’s impossible to not have tried Kolokouthkia Me Ta Afka ( Zucchinis & Eggs – Omelette) and […]

snack, high protein, baby | toddler friendly, Recipes&More, breakfast, prep around 15 min, vegetarian, vegan, dairy free, low carbs low sugar | keto

Peanut Butter, Mashed Banana & White Choc | Chefs At Heart

When | breakfast feels like a yummy & healthy treat And feels like a crepe made up from baby food but its even better! Try this Peanut Butter, Mashed Banana & White Chocolate that is yummy, quick, cheap, rich in fibres and can be eaten as a breakfast or a snack. The main players of […]

vegetarian, vegan, dairy free, Recipes&More, low carbs low sugar | keto, gluten free, snack, pre made freezer meal, baby | toddler friendly, breakfast, other desserts, prep around 15 min

Oats with Grated Apple, Raisins & Cinnamon | Chefs At Heart

A taste of winter | onto your spoon Try these Oats with Raisins & Grated Apple that is yummy, quick, cheap, low in calories, rich in fibres and can be eaten as a breakfast or as snack…  A breakfast that shouts winter by its colours and spices used and not only. Can be more wintery […]

Cooking, lunch, dinner, Recipes&More, prep around 30 min, low carbs low sugar | keto, prep around 60 min, Multiple Meals Preparation In 1 Go, high protein, low calories or lower calories, baby | toddler friendly, cheat meals

Multiple Meals Prep in 30 mins | Chefs At Heart

When meal prep is not that demanding time wise… We are working parents working in the demanding corporate world in a far away country… Eating healthily and home cooked meals, is one of our most valued rituals. Some people think that is not possible to always achieve that and comfort food always bares the labels […]