cheat meals

Special Feature, breakfast, cheat meals, prep around 15 min, vegetarian, Recipes&More, dairy free, sugar free, low carbs low sugar | keto, gluten free, snack, high protein, low calories or lower calories

Typical Weekday Breakfast | Chefs At Heart

Always look at the bright side of life.. My breakfast today – #keepsmiling# keepsmilinandcarryon #alwayslookatthebrightsideoflife ⭐️ a banana🍌 ⭐️ 2 baked eggs 🥚 – cheat= I bake a dozen at the beginning of the week so i always have some waiting for me… ⭐️ 4 dates – my favourite are Khalas Dates from Kibsons ⭐️ an […]

cheat meals, Special Feature, Recipes&More, lunch, dinner, prep around 15 min, prep around 45 min

Cheat Meals | Spinach & Cheese with Salad | Chefs At Heart

Qualifies | For Instagram | Post

Special Feature, breakfast, prep around 45 min, Recipes&More, dairy free, low calories or lower calories, pre made freezer meal, baby | toddler friendly, other desserts, cheat meals

Delicious Fluffy And Fragrant Non Conventional Waffles | Chefs At Heart

A waffle that feels and tastes like a fluffy and fragrant cake These Delicious Non Conventional Waffles are yummy, quick, fragrant and resemble a cake. They are crispy and golden on the outside and fluffy and fragrant on the inside and beautifully fragrant. They qualify for premade freezer food, so they can be stored into […]

Cooking, breakfast, lunch, dinner, prep around 15 min, vegetarian, high protein, low calories or lower calories, cheat meals, Recipes&More, Special Feature

Rye Bread With Feta & Avocado | Chefs At Heart

MS’s | little black dress Read more on this and some yummy variations in in a different post when searching for RYE BREAD on our website.

high protein, pre made freezer meal, Special Feature, Cooking, baby | toddler friendly, lunch, dinner, cheat meals, prep around 15 min, Recipes&More, vegetarian, dairy free

Quick & Easy Ravioli | Chefs At Heart

Qualifies | For Recipe | In Detail Instagram | Post

cheat meals, Recipes&More, How To's & More, prep around 60 min, pre made freezer meal

Pre-Made Freezer Food | Chefs At Heart

Pre-Made Freezer Food It’s a ritual that was discovered back in our student years – I was the student that was making pasticcio and stuffed vine leaves along with some other delicious foods, in advance in order to have supplies in my highly demanding examination seasons. kept us going in our highly demanding cooperate jobs […]

pre made freezer meal, Cooking, lunch, dinner, baby | toddler friendly, prep around 30 min, cheat meals, dairy free, Recipes&More, high protein, low calories or lower calories

Turkey & Spinach Lasagna | Λαζανια Με Γαλοπουλα & Σπανακι | Chefs At Heart

Who doesn’t like lasagna? Who doesn’t like lasagna? Probably not many, if none at all. This dish is a yummy, a skinnier and a healthier version of lasagna. Turkey & Spinach Lasagna is a high protein dish with less than 500 calories per serving. This can be made for lunch or dinner and last for […]